Tattoo design help. Please make for me.

I have an idea for a tattoo involving the download festivals dog head and some drumstick(musical, not chicken) in a skull and crossbones motif.What I'm hoping for us the dogs head with a purple glow in the eye sockets( not actual purple eyes, just a glow) and a pair of spiralling/winding black and red drum sticks with each drum ending/starting in a different shade. To also have everything in proportion and obviously not how it is in my crappy photo-editing picture.In the pictures I have included a crap version of what I want, a tattoo(one I got off google search) someone else has and my measurements for my design.If anyone can do this for me I will be extremely grateful and I would be more than happy to wire you some money if you want.I really want this design before I go back to Australia at the start if November so if I can get help asap that would be great.
