Could white ink tattoo designs be effective as a subtle cover-up for complex scars? And are there any caveats?

I know an expert would be better to consult officially; I'm just interested in hearing some initial thoughts.​I have some old self-harm scars I've been self-conscious of for a while. They're several straight, deep, somewhat wide lines that go across the skin and are clustered pretty close together. I've heard when healed, white ink scars resemble scar tissue so I'm curious if it could beautify the scars into a design? Or would it just look like a mess? The scarring covers a large area and may be fairly complex so I'm not sure how well it would work. I like the idea of white ink because I tend to favor subtler designs, and because I think there's something poetic in blending the scar tissue and a design into one. The scarring is on my shoulders (it was somewhere I could hide them with a shirt) and I'm not sure if tattooing just that upper shoulder area would look strange - I'd be open to reconsidering but I'm not initially planning on a sleeve look.​If you don't think it would work I'd love to hear what kinds of designs you think would be effective in covering scar tissue like this - it's pictured below. Tysm!​
