Ideas to cover a Deathly Hallows tattoo?

Hi everyone! I have a few tattoos that I really love but I've started to dislike the Deathly Hallows tattoo on my calf. I got it semi-impulsively a few years ago because I honestly just wanted another tattoo. Now I'm kind of regretting it, mostly the placement and I want to turn it into something else.It's about four inches tall and in completely black ink. The lines are pretty thick so I'm concerned that artists won't be able to cover them. I was trying to think of ways to incorporate designs that would mostly take over the design without making it much larger. I'm okay with it still looking like the Hallows symbols if necessary but I would rather have another element to it (non-Harry Potter) so it's not as easily distinguishable.One idea I had was turning the circle into a globe with a portion of the world mapped out. I just don't know what to do with the rest of the triangle or the line going straight through all of it. If anyone has any type of suggestion or idea, I'd really appreciate it! (I couldn't figure out how to attach a photo, my apologies!)
