Which Design for First Tattoo?

So, I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while but I wanted it to have personal meaning. I used to make geometric designs when I was 15 so I picked a few old pieces but I need some advice for which to get tattooed. I'm thinking about getting it on my arm to start with.P.S. These designs are all pen on paper drawings.​Names:1 = Dreamcatcher 9 = Glass Quill2 = Fireflies (from TLoU) 10 = Void3 = Arrow's Journey 11 = Roses4 = Feathers 12 = Third Angle5 = Hourglass 13 = Bullet6 = Compass 14 = Paper7 = Pajarita Birds 15 = Space8 = Intercept 16 = Float​I would really appreciate it if you commented the number of the design you prefer :)These are some of them I am considering:Collage of Geometric Designs http://bit.ly/2DG9CuD
