Would you advise against getting these tattoos?

I’m 18 turning 19 in a few months, and for my first tattoo, I want to get the head of a Gray wolf on my left forearm with the Turkish star and crescent sort’ve behind it but still visible. The Gray wolf is the national animal of Turkey, my fathers home country. I plan on getting a Carabao head in a similar fashion with the Philippines sun on my right forearm in the distant future, as that’s my mother’s home country (my dad is left handed, my mom is right handed. My last name is also hyphenated (e.g Mom-Dad), so if I were to get my last name tattooed on corresponding arms, it would work out) I first got the idea about 6 months ago and have been putting off getting it as I don’t want to make a decision I regret, but I still feel like this tattoo would look pretty cool. My only doubt is that wolf tattoos nowadays seem cliche. What do you think? http://bit.ly/2ZJfyMz
