Ideas/thoughts on front torso piece.

I have an idea for a full front torso piece just don't know how it would actually flow or if the composition would be all wrong. So I love watching docs/learning about all sorts of things, especially things that are "super natural" in nature astrology, fortune tellers, crystal balls, card reading, ocultish type stuff. So I thought an owl with wings spread on my chest wing tips covering out to my shoulder area above arm pits, in it's tallens a crystal ball (with my zodiac sign in the crystal ball), just under on wing/tail area (nipple area front ribs) a "gypsy" fortune teller holding a death card and placing a finger on her lips (a shhhhhh motion), on the opposite side of the owl in the same area (nipple front ribs) another "gypsy" fortune teller looking up towards the owl reaching for the crystal ball, stomach area is a toss up between a wolf head showing teeth, or a scene of a bridge in Germany called the "devil's bridge". Is this to much going on? Is the composition horrible? Do none of these things work together? Honest opinion is appreciated, just don't have to be a dick about it. Constructive criticism is wanted!!
