Looking to bounce ideas off people.

First off please bear with me, I do not have any tattoos so may toss out stuff that is unrealistic or more difficult that I realize, I am also not an artist, which is the main reason for my wanting to bounce ideas off people, hope that's ok. Any ideas or education I get here is going to be a help.My general idea is a sort of achievement/history tracker tattoo. On one arm I want some small (thinking 2 inch by 2 inch squares, maybe a bit smaller) symbols for real things I have done or accomplished (fouled anchor to start with probably). On the other arms I want to do virtual ones, mainly game logos (probably start with either a Mario one or siege one). I got the idea from playing Far Cry 4 where for every skill you unlock you add to a sleeve tattoo. While I am not looking for a sleeve, just the upper arm, and the tribal style isnt for me, I like the idea behind it. My biggest problem is that I am not sure how to tie them all together so they don't just look like a cluster of random symbols. I was thinking of a grid of squares so it looks a bit like a shelf or case of trophies but I am just not sure. I would also like to be able to add to it over time so need to leave open space I think.It may be better to just go sit down with an artist but I just don't know and don't want to waste anyone's time. Figured a post here where I could just causally chat with people who have a passion for this would be a better start, I am not asking for any actual art or anything, just a conversation. Thanks for reading and for any input. https://ift.tt/2ysvdnm
