Tattoo design help

Hey y'all,​I've been thinking about getting a sleeve tattoo on my left arm. I'd like this tattoo to be a visual representation of my youth. I've spent a lot of time on Reddit throughout the past few years, and was hoping I would be able to democratize the design of this tattoo here on this sub. Basically, my thought process is that people do better when they work together and when they learn from each other; and since I want my tattoo to be as great as possible, I want to include as many people in the design process as possible. That's where this sub comes in.​The sleeve, as it looks now inside my head, has 8 components to it. 7 of these 8 parts are motifs or allegories for key lessons I learned in my childhood. Each of these lessons would be its own image, surrounded by a circle or other geometric border. The 8th component would make up the blank space between the focal points. Right now I'm thinking some sort of with geometric artwork, an allusion to the structure and order that defined my youth.Here are the 7 images, starting from the shoulder down:Two dark lions stand on either side of a winged lion that is in the process of roaring and/or leaping above both of them. The two dark lions represent fear and shame. The winged lion is significant to me for a couple of reasons, but it's supposed to represent the courage and greatness that lies within us if we can overcome our fears. This is definitely the most visually complex and would probably be the largest of the images.Mt. Fugi, cherry blossoms, & a red sun. Was thinking of having Mt. Fugi be the focal point, the cherry blossoms beneath and in front of Fugi's summit, and the sun rising in the background. Unsure if trying to do too much here; if I had to pick a single of the three components to this image it would be the mountain itself.A big simple cross, with a much smaller image fitting into each of the four spaces surrounding the cross. The top right & top left are filled by a star of David and a crescent moon and star. The bottom left has a lighting bolt & trident crossed, while the bottom right has a computer linked to a brain. This is supposed to represent the concept that no one has any fucking idea what we're doing here or what kind of god exists. The Greeks has Zeus, the Christians had Christ, Elon Musk has a simulation, but they're all just guesses really. I very much believe in a creator, but I also believe we're not supposed to know who It is exactly.A ying-yang symbol, simple & located at the center of the sleeve.A captain America shield. This is the one I'm least certain about. My European friends have literally introduced me to someone by saying "He's American as fuck, so be ready." I want something to represent my US heritage and nationality, but I'm unsure of how to do it exactly. I think the shield does a good job of depicting American idealism, moralism, and exceptionalism. I don't believe any of those are uniquely American traits, but I believe that they once were the defining characteristics of the United States and should become so once again. Open to suggestions here.Leonardo da Vinci half man-half skeleton drawing. Seen here. Mortality of man and all that jazz.A Monarch butterfly. This is a pretty vanilla tattoo, I know, I know, but I think there is something deeply touching about a creature that spends most of its life as a caterpillar only to transform into something beautiful as it reaches adulthood. Maybe I'm just a big fan of pokemon, idk. I'd like it to be as anatomically correct as possible, but I'm open to changing the colors if a particular combination strikes me. I've thought about doing red, blue, and transparent as well as multi colored. This would be the first image, closest to the fingers or wrist depending on the length of the sleeve.Anyways, this is what I'm thinking so far. If you have any thoughts on the particular images or the overall tattoo design I want to hear them. Thanks for reading through my visualization.
