Looking for a way to represent a sort of abstract concept for first tattoo

Hi everyone, I just discovered this subreddit, so I hope I'm not breaking any rules.Long story short, I want to get a very minimalistic tattoo that somehow represents "water and shade". I've never had a tattoo before, and I'm not a particularly creative person, so I'm reaching out for help.The meaning behind it comes from my favorite fantasy series "The Wheel of Time." It is used as a sort of "goodbye and be well" by a race of people called the Aiel. The Aiel are a nomadic people that live in tribes in a land called the Aiel Wastes. It's basically a giant, rocky, desert wasteland, and the tribes survive due to their extraordinary physical capabilites (walking for miles and miles at a time, dealing with extreme heat, hunting, etc) and their strong cultural bonds. Each person in the tribe holds all others accountable because even one weak link in the chain can destroy an entire tribe due to the living conditions. Because of all of this, water and shade are two very important resources and finding them is the most important part of the Aiel's survival.To me, "may you always find water and shade" represents this strong, familial type of bond that exists between the Aiel. Everytime it was said in the books, I always felt this heavy emotional weight behind it. It stuck in my brain, and meant enough to me that I want to finally take the leap and get a tattoo. Can anyone help me out?It's late so I probably won't respond to anyone tonight, but please feel free to ask questions. I will answer in the morning. Thanks in advance! https://ift.tt/34gwCMk
