Tattoo commission

I hope this is the right place for this. On mobile, so hopefully formatting is okay.I’m looking for an artist to commission a tattoo for me. I want to incorporate different things and hobbies that I love. Since I was a kid I’ve loved Pokémon, Harry Potter and Star Wars and I want a tattoo to incorporate an aspect from all three worlds but in a cool collaborative way.-I would like the shape of the tattoo to follow the design of the deathly hallows from Harry Potter (triangle frame with a circle in the middle and a line running from mid base to tip of triangle) - I would like the triangle to be made of lightsabers (not sure whether they should be on or off) - I would like a wand to act as the line up the middle (the elder wand from Harry Potter is pretty iconic, but if you have a cool idea for a wand then I’d be open to it) - and I’d like the circle in the middle to be a pokeball, I want the pokeball to be colored orange and black (I’ll leave design up to you but I’d rather not have just one color on top and the other on the bottom) - I also would like some important dates to me to be written into the tattoo so if you could just pick some made up dates for an example that’d be great.If this sounds like something you’d be interested in then please let me know!
