Tattoo that represents depression

So I know this is a common theme, but the thing with this is that most people seem to do tattoos that represent battling or overcoming depression -- like the semi colon, positive quotes, etc. What I want is the exact opposite...some type of tattoo that makes me think back to when I was depressed when I look at it. Something dark, dismal, visceral and depressing.I've been looking and thinking for so long, years in fact, but I can't really come up with anything that I like...I've thought of stuff like snakes and skulls and roses but haven't found anything I'm in love with yet.So any type of help -- suggestions, pictures or drawings that you like that seem similar to this theme, would be super great and appreciated. I love history so anything with historic value would be cool.editAlso forgot to mention I want it on my wrist/forearm area so it'll have to be kinda small-ish.
