Looking for a reality check on a tattoo idea - willing to pay for a mock-up or better ideas

Hey folks, for years I've had this idea for my next (and second) tattoo that I've been hesitant to pull the trigger on. Everyone tells me it wouldn't look good and steers me in a different direction. Not sure if this would belong here or /r/PhotoshopRequests but I'd really like to see a mockup. Willing to pay $20 if that's fair. I'm imagining a photo of someone's bare arm with this idea mocked on it, again, if this isn't the place for a request like this I apologize!Basically, I'd like a sleeve of flags for places I have a connection with (lived or traveled to). Nothing artsy, just a literal grid of flags. It would start on my upper arm by the shoulder and wrap all the way around the arm, letting it expand as I am able to add more flags to the piece in the future. Figured it would make it easy if I ever move too and a new artist has to add to it.Doesn't need to be an exact replica (since some flags like Thailand have crazy details) and I figured it would be three or four flags that go all the way around the arm, landscape orientation (if the arm is hanging down, the flag looks "normal" not hanging down per say). Here's the flags I'd include as a starter, should work to get an idea for the mockup!Again if this should be somewhere else let me know so I can post elsewhere. Thanks for your time.https://ift.tt/2mvdZmV https://ift.tt/2lYdcdL
