Moonbear (ursus thibetanus) design for arm, will pay!

Link to inspo below.I want this on my left arm, it can be large but I already have a few tattoos there, spread out, so not crazy huge.Background: I call my husband moonbear, he calls me little dove. I would like to incorporate a dove if at all possible, like maybe sitting on the bears shoulder or resting on his out-streched hand? If not it's ok. The main thing I want is the bear.What i am imagining: I want the bear to be sitting and looking up (similar to the real bear photo). I love love love the constellations, stars in one of the pics and would like for it to be inside the bear if that makes sense. He is a Taurus so if that constellation fits that would be a bonus. If this is unrealistic just let me know.I have never posted here before but I will pay for your hard work if you are interested, thank you.Edit: I forgot to add- black ink/shading for color scheme (no color).
