Tattoo Regret

Hi Everyone, not sure if this is the best place for this post but I got a tattoo a couple months ago with my sister. We both got each other's birth flowers and it means a lot to us. The only problem is I don't love mine. I made the bad decision of not doing enough research when I chose my artist and I think my tattoo is alright but I don't love it.Picture of tattoo: wanted to ask if there's anyway that I can salvage this tattoo. I don't want to cover it up because of the meaning behind it, but is there any way to add to it to make it look more artistic and elegant and just better. I'm sorry if I'm not detailed enough. I don't really have a vision for what I want it to look like. The best way I can describe it is that I just want it to look more expensive. I'm open to adding color if that helps, but I'm not sure that can be done at this point.I'm not very experienced with tattoos so I don't know the extent to which is can be fixed, which is why I wanted to ask the masses before bothering a tattoo artist. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
