Tattoo newcomer seeking advice

Hi! I'm relatively new to tattoos. I have two, one on my right side and one on my left shoulder blade. Small, geometric patterns that aren't visible. I'm hoping to get one more this winter, and I was looking for advice on choosing an artist and design.I want my next to visible, tentatively speaking I would like a lightning strike on my forearm. Lightning has always been a natural phenomenon that has grabbed my attention, this rolling static energy that builds into an intense release that reforms and burns and creates something new.I've dealt with depression and anxiety for the better part of my life, I want this to be a metaphorical brand of sorts. I know I feel better about myself when I'm active and outside, and I want this tattoo to be a reminder to myself to pursue my passions. "Lightning in my veins" kind of a vibe.What I want to ask y'all - what do you look for in choosing your artist? For my previous two I came in with an exact design, but this one is more malleable and I genuinely want an artist to provide their interpretation, how do I go about compensation for asking someone for their thoughts / potential designs?Also I'm looking to get this done in Denver, CO USA, so if anyone has recommendations for artists to talk to I am totally open to suggestions.TL;DR - newcomer, wanna get a lightning tattoo on my forearm, seeking advice on how to talk to artists about the design, specifically how to appropriately compensate for drafts, how to find the right artist, etc.
