Planning my next tattoo to represent my woodworking. Full description in post

So I am a female woodworker and want to get something to represent that. I have ideas for woodworker symbols but no idea how to add in a little, I dunno, head tilt of respect towards other female woodworkers since we are a minority.I currently have these torii around my clavicles, a little further out towards the shoulder. Thinking about adding a superimposed twisted tree on the arm, with vine-like branches coming up the shoulder and kinda curling around the torii at the top. I thought I might have cherry blossoms falling off the tree and onto the torii, further down the tree near the trunk I could incorporate a chisel and mallet. Runner up tool ideas were also plane and pull knife. And then some roots spread out at the bottom of the that. I thought behind the superimposed twisted tree there could be a forest of trees too just bc I like solitude in the middle of the woods.It's a preliminary idea so its chock full of every theme I thought would look good together. Is it too much/ how might you suggest cleaning it up?What are some symbols that indicate women in woodworking to incorporate?
