In solidarity with the many communities with "Shelter in Place" ordinances, and the thoughts of many tattooers, we will be taking down any FRESH tattoo pictures posted until the world is back to proper health and safety. The r/tattoos stance is that the safety of everyone depends on folks staying home.What this means for r/tattoos:We will be allowing all HEALED pictures of tattoos, this is your time to shine if you've got some oldie but goodies!!! Please remember to include the name of the artist, the shop you got it at and the city/country the shop is located in. PLEASE TAG THAT IT IS HEALED AND IF YOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU GOT IT DONE. Tattoos only a week or two old are NOT healed. Thank you.​When does this start?:We will start taking down posts of fresh tattoos starting 3/19/2020 at 5pm PST​How do I support my tattoo artist during this time?:Many artist have really fun personal projects that you can purchase online!! I ENCOURAGE all artists, whether we have verified you or not to put up links telling us how we can commision a painting, buy merchandise, or purchase a gift card to your shop. via /r/tattoos
