looking for an artist?

Hi! So, I’ve never been here before, but i’ve looking for an artist for a while to do some art for my first tattoo for me and i’m afraid my requirements for said artist may be too specific? Essentially, I want a piece for my first tattoo that’s a moon, or perhaps a girl sitting on the moon, in mostly or completely line art, as a way to commemorate? honour? remember? (I don’t know) one of my favourite artists- Sulli. She passed away in 2019 and it hit me really hard as she was someone I looked up to and admired and hs come to really live as an artist and person. My favourite song by her is On The Moon, so I wanted to do a piece inspired by that. However, I also wanted the person who designed the tattoo to be someone who also knew and loved (or was at least a fan of) Sulli, as it’s quite an emotional piece. I’ve not managed to find any artist who liked her yet, nor any fans who are also artists I could ask yet. Should I just give up on the requirement and maybe just ask that the artist or tattoo artist listen to the song and come up with a design? I’m really not sure how all of this works yet! https://ift.tt/3eFTQAo
