Tattoo with bold outlines but really heavy on white or light colors? Worth it or find another idea?

In a nutshell I'm considering a somewhat different memorial tattoo for my dog I had to put down last month. He was a very special dog. He looked exactly like the dog Bolt, from the Disney movie of the same name. I'd like to do this character as a special nod to him. I already have a rough idea of the design in my head but I'm still on the fence whether it would be worth pursuing an artist and using up their valuable time for something that nobody is ever really satisfied with after a few years.Problem. The character, and my dog, are almost entirely white. I have a leg full of bright, boldly, colored animated Disney characters that would likely be the intended location. I'm getting slightly limited on skin real-estate unfortunately.I have four dalmatian puppies on my back and I like them but the artist chose to basically just use outlines and that's it. I'm pale...but not that pale! I don't really want the same for Bolt where it's essentially just a black outline of the character and he isn't even kind of close to his reference color.So those of you who have/have done tattoos with significant amounts of white or light colored areas, how did they age/heal? Worth it? Anything you'd have changed if you could go back?
