I have a concept but need help with an image

I have gone from two very fundamentalist controlling religions (Penticostal Christian to Orthodox jew) to atheist.It has been a journey where I kept trying to fit myself into religion and finally found personal freedom in no religion.I want a tattoo symbolizing the freedom I now feel.A lot of people get Phoenix tattoos but I feel they are overdone. Another popular one is birds coming out of a cage.. I love the idea of these and what they convey but I'm looking for something beautiful and origional. (I dont like the broken handcuffs one either )I dont need art made up for me because once I find a concept I like to allow the artist doing it as much freedom as possible.What other ideas or concepts symbolize freedom?I have gone from religion controling what I wear, what k eat, who I talk to etc to freedom. https://ift.tt/3n2JuPF
