my grandma has stage four lung cancer. i turn 18 in a couple months and want to get a tattoo for her while she's still with me. help me perfect it?

hey friends!! i turn 18 in three months and am planning on get my first tattoo around then. i am planning on getting something similar to the pic i have attached, am looking for ideas on my design and general tattoo tips would also be great!!some backstory: my grandma was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer recently, and i'd like to get something for her. after playing around with some ideas, i settled on a bridge with her initials. my grandma used to tell me a story about my grandpa (her husband, then boyfriend) hanging off a bridge by his belt to spray paint her initials on to the bridge. it's still there, and she points it out every time we drive under the bridge. i always thought it was a cute story, and i really look up to my grandparents for having a long, healthy relationship.anyway, i am hoping for some feedback on the design i put together and my idea. obviously i'll get a professional to make the design look better, but the bones are here.thanks!!
