Should i continue this tattoo with the same artist despite the effortless details and stuff about the artist?

Hi everyone!I got this tattoo about two years ago, now i want to add it more ink bc it seems too uncomplete. The tattoo in general is pretty but the thing is that those ugly/careless details are what made doubt about continuing the tattoo with the same artist.I want to clarify that the ugly parts were made freehand, the pretty ones dont. The tattoo has other two more little ugly details like these that also arent perciptible at simple sight but there are. Other thing i didnt like about this tattoo is that the leafs and branches, whose too where made freehand, are so repetitive with the same desing across the tattoo but them doesnt look bad. tattoo is pretty, just that im not happy with the details and i could tell to the artist in this new sesson to fix them, she is very talent, even she has a lot followers, but annoys me the low efford in those parts bc the tattoos she have posted with the same flower theme looks amazing, even have a nicer shading that this one, that is still pretty, but could be better.Other thing that annoys me a little about her is that the first time i get tattoed by her, she posted the picture of it, i told her that i wasnt confortable with that and she told me that she has to post to work, which i understand, but she could just asked me. The reason why i came back with her after that to get this new tattoo is that she was my trusted artist to cover up what was bellow the tattoo of the picture (doesnt interfer with the current desing bc i was covered by a black band, the flowers are more ornament). I remember too that i wanted other completely different type of flowers, but she rejected the same day of the tattoo, which now im glad, but in that order i never knew the final desing before i was in the study that she show me the print of the peony and being there ready to the tattoo, having payed a part and with the urge of the cover up, i just accepted, i know this was more problem mine than hers but just another detail.Yesterday morning i email her for a cotization but someone commmented this in a post i made about so i want to hear your advice, i just though i was being too picky with the things i told you. As she once told me "a tattoo will never be perfect".My biggest afraid is the risk that the tattoo might not look uniforn because of the change of artist for some irrelevant(? stuffThis tattoo has been such a long journey since i had to cover up the first tattoo on my leg, overthinking to much about this is driving me crazy :(
