Tattoo etiquette question about designs day of

Hey all,So in December I am getting a tattoo on my forearm in black and gray of Zeus (like the Greek marble sculptures). I am paying 1200$ for a quality artist, his work is fantastic, and the receptionist said that this rate paid for 12 hours of tattooing, she said that I had essentially bought out the day. (Note I have been tattooed before and have done 6 hour sessions A-OK)Now the design that I am getting is only going to take about 7 hours (the artist guessed) to finish.Is it rude if I ask to get more work done in that 12 hours? (i.e. another tattoo, much smaller much less complicated)I don’t get tattoo’d often and while I can definitely come to terms with 1200 for a big forearm piece that is high quality, but if I’m paying for 12 hours and it isn’t considered a dick move, I would like to get my money’s worth too as I’m a relatively poor college student and save up for a year for each tattoo I get. This is a new artist as the old shop I went to closed down, hence my lack of knowledge here.Would I be overstepping my bounds? Advice appreciated, I want to know what artists specifically would feel if a client asked them for more work say of (not a whole hand drawn design, a pretty simple piece)Thanks
