Tattoo over scars

Tw for self harm scarsI'm looking for advice on how to how to best execute a particular idea I have over particular scars (this is a bit long). Please see imgur album to see what I'm referencing. I want to get this orchid tattooed on one of my inner forearms in black ink, in kind of lithograph style with emphasis on clean linework and minimal shading. I really like clear clean black linework/dotwork tattoos.The scars are all around 5 years old minimum. Some of them are a bit raised. I'm more concerned with the tattoo looking clean/nice than I am about totally covering/concealing the scars, but the reason I'm getting this area tattooed is to kind of reclaim the area and make it less totally obvious what they are at first glance.I figured the way this flower is shaped, I could have one or two of the thicker vertical scars become the stems of the flower. When I mentioned this to an artist I briefly spoke to (and showed pictures of my arms and idea too) they said they think it'd be better to tattoo the area as if the scars weren't even there. His reasoning was incorporating the scars can make them stand out instead of blend in, which I understand, but I'm worried that if I don't try to work the scars into the design it'll end up looking sloppy/less clean which is not what I want. What are your guys thoughts on this? I will speak more in depth with this artist again I just want to have more outside opinions before our next talk.Also, based on what I've said, which forearm should be tattooed with this idea? Do you think it'll look okay on the one with more heavy/busy scarring or should I go with the less busy/scarred arm for this idea since it's kind of simple. Eventually I'd like to have both forearms tattooed(and a lot more elsewhere) but it took me 2 years to save up the money for this one lol.Thank you so much if you read all the way through! This tattoo means a lot to me!
